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3 - Entry of master data

In order to use the system, school resource records must be entered:

  1. Enter the subjects
  2. Enter the location
  3. Insert classrooms
  4. Insert teachers
  5. Insert students

" Enter subjects

Subjects are understood to be the subject matter of course lectures. Therefore, the same subject may be related to different courses taught by different lecturers.

Subjects can optionally be organized into departments and topics. Departments are categories to which several subjects can belong while a single subject can be divided into several topics i.e. more specific areas of interest.
For a more in-depth description of these subjects, please refer to this guide.

To add a new subject from the main menu click on Master Data Subjects and click the Add subject.

Then enter:

  • Subject name: the name that identifies the subject (e.g.: Piano, English, History, etc...)
  • Department: optional, if configured, allows subjects to be grouped according to teaching type (e.g. Department of Music, Department of Languages, Archaeology, Cinema, etc.)
  • Subject code: optional, used for any reports
  • Description: optional, allows you to enter an explanatory description of the subject matter
  • Linked teaching: Optional, if configured, allows the subject to be linked to a teaching
  • Teacher overlap: if valorized will disable the detection of overlap of teachers connected to the same subject, thus allowing more classes to be taken at the same time
  • Data sheet: optionally, you can attach a data sheet describing the activities that typically take place in the subject classes; the file to be uploaded cannot exceed 3 MB in size
  • Subject Color: optional, allows the subject to be matched with a coloring to be more easily identified in the subject list and class calendar
  • Online saleable: optional, allows online enrollments for the subject.

Then click the button Add matter to save the data.

" Enter the location

To add the school location in which the courses will be held, navigate to Master Data → Locations and click the button Add new location.

Then enter:

  • Venue name: the identifying name of the venue
  • External location without control over classrooms: if valorized, the system will disregard any overlapping of classes
  • Client Company: optional, allows a client company to be linked to the new location
  • Address, State/Region , Zip/City/Province: optional, allow you to complete the description of the new location
  • Lat / Lng: optional, latitude and longitude of the location
  • Venue Code: optional, allows for any reports by location in case of multiple locations
  • Linked Tax Company: optional, allows you to link one of the tax companies entered in Tax Management → Tax Settings
  • Description: optional, descriptive text of the venue
  • Contact: optional, any venue contacts
  • Enter a location (top right): optional, allows you to enter a location that will be displayed on the Google map below

Click the Add Location to finish the operation.

N.B. In case the school has more than one location in which it holds its courses, it will be possible to add more by repeating the same operation.

" Insert classrooms

The classroom registry will then allow courses to be planned by indicating the location where classes will be held.

To add a new classroom navigate to Master Data → Classrooms and click the Add Classroom.
Then enter:

  • Classroom name: the identifying name of the classroom
  • Description: optional, descriptive text of the classroom
  • Venue: select, if any, the location connected to the classroom

The remaining fields on the screen are optional and thus not being necessary for immediate operation are covered separately in this guide.

Click the button Add Classroom to save the data.

" Insert teachers

To add a new teacher from the main menu click on Master Data → Teachers and click the Add teacher.

Then enter:

  • Name: the name of the teacher
  • Last name: the last name of the teacher
  • Email address: teacher's e-mail address (the e-mail address is also the username that the teacher will use to log in to the system, in case he/she does not use the app)
  • Enable web access: if valorized, it will be possible to create the password for access to the teacher's web account
  • Password: the password of the teacher's account in the system
  • Cell phone: Although optional, it is advisable to enter the teacher's cell phone number so that he or she can connect to the school via the ScuolaSemplice App (for connecting teacher Apps, please consult this guide)
  • Subjects taught: select flags to associate one or more subjects with the teacher, you can also click on all or none
  • Lecturer hourly rate: optional, allows you to assign a gross hourly cost to the lecturer (if left blank, the system will consider the hourly rate combined with the courses to be valid)
  • Billing arrangements: choose the teacher's classification from:
    • 20% withholding tax
    • Invoicing without VAT
    • Invoicing with 22% VAT
    • None of the above

Then click on the Add Teacher to save the data.

The remaining fields on the screen are optional and therefore not necessary for immediate operation are covered separately in this guide.

The system also allows the faculty list to be imported from file. More information on the procedure can be found in this guide.

" Insert students

To add a new student from the main menu click on Master Data → Students and click the button Enroll new student.

Then enter:

  • Name: name of new subscriber
  • Last name: last name of the new member
  • Email address: optional, this is the email address of the new subscriber (the email will also be used by the subscriber to log into their account in the system, in case they do not use the app)
  • Enable web access: if valorized, it will be possible to create the password to access the student's web account
  • Password: optional, is the password that the subscriber will use to log in to the system
  • Cell phone: Although optional, it is advisable to enter the student's cell phone number so that he or she can connect to the school via the App at ScuolaSemplice (for connecting student Apps see this guide)
  • Guardian/responsible person*: optional, you can select an existing one or enter one from scratch

Click the button Add Student to save the data.

The system also allows the list of students (and related tutors) to be imported from file. More information on the procedure can be found in this guide.

*The system also provides for the possibility of including mentors/supervisors of those enrolled. For example, the figure of guardian/responsible person can come in handy in the case of underage students or in case the courses are delivered to employees of a company. In fact, the tutor/responsible person will have full access to information concerning their enrollees and will be the holder of administrative matters, such as receipts or invoices.
For more information on tutors/supervisors see this guide.


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