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Linking the teachers' app

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To link the teacher app to the school, navigate to Master Data Teachers and click Menu Send invitation for App installation..

IMPORTANT: The cell phone number is used by the system to link the teacher's App. It must therefore be entered in the master data before sending the invitation and must be unique; it can only belong to one user profile.

There are several ways in the system to send the App invitation to the teacher:

The first is by clicking on the menu button present in the row of the interested teacher and then click on the option "Send invitation for app installation"

The second method can only be performed by enabling the display of the APP column in the master records (for guidance on managing columns click here), in the appropriate column there will be a submit button, clicking on it will send the invitation to install theAPP to the teacher:

The third method is to send the invitation from the teacher's master file; to open it, just click on the teacher's name, and the tab that will be shown will have the Mobile button:

Clicking on it will show the button to send the invitation to theAPP:

Following the sending of the invitation to download the app, the teacher will receive an SMS with a link that will connect them directly to the store (Google play or Apple store) to download the app from ScuolaSemplice.

Following the download, go inside the app and click the ENTER button.

The app at this point will ask us if the invitation text message has been received from Simple School. In order to proceed in setting up the account it is very important that you choose the first option, which is yes.

Enter your cell phone number and click the REQUIRE CODE button to receive the second SMS with the code to be entered.

Then enter the received code:

Now the teacher is connected with their App to the school and will be able to see their courses and enter student attendance.



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