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All posts in Report

Automatic and recurring sending of the "debt positions" report

In addition to manually exporting the debt position report of all Students/Guardians ( Manual Export Report ), ScuolaSemplice allows you to create an automation that allows you to send it systematically and customize the timing of sending it. To be able to create the automation and decide the timing of generation and sending to specific emails simply log in . . . Continue reading...

Set an expiration date for Certificates

It is possible to enable an expiration date for issued Certificates. This is particularly useful for all those Certificates that require renewal after a certain period of time. By enabling the expiration date, it is also possible to set up a series of automatic notifications as explained in this guide. For . . . Continue reading...

Global course enrollment report

Through the Global Enrollment Report, it is possible to export the number of Collective Course Enrollments made during a given Educational Year, including the current one. To proceed to export the Report navigate to the Didactics → Collective Courses section and click the Report/Export button at the top right of the page: And select the . . Continue reading...

Exams report generation via ODT template

1. INTRODUCTION In the direction of allowing the individual school autonomous management of certificates, attestations, reports, and other documents, the system allows for full autonomous preparation and activation of documents that will then be exportable for each examination. The report should be a template in .odt format, i.e. OpenOffice, . . . Continue reading...

Configuring the enrollment contract via ODT template

IMPORTANT: The file must be in .odt format and not .doc, so the use of word is not recommended. Rather, it is highly recommended to use Openoffice This mini guide on configuring the school enrollment contract from ODT template, is divided into the following paragraphs: INTRODUCTION PLACEHOLDER DEFINITION PLACEHOLDER LISTS PLACEHOLDERS . . . Continue reading...

Generation of certificates, course reports, assignment letters and other documents from ODT template

IMPORTANT: The file must be in .odt format and not .doc, so the use of word is not recommended. Instead, it is highly recommended to use Openoffice This mini-guide on generating certificates, certifications, course reports and other documents from .odt template is divided into the following paragraphs: INTRODUCTION PLACEHOLDER DEFINITION LISTS . . Continue reading...

Student report generation via ODT template

This mini-guide on generating reports from student master records using the .odt template is divided into the following sections: INTRODUCTION DEFINING PLACEHOLDERS LISTS OF PLACEHOLDERS IN TABLES CONDITIONAL BLOCKS LIST OF AVAILABLE PLACEHOLDERS UPLOADING ODT TEMPLATE TO SYSTEM USING CONTRACT TEMPLATE 1. INTRODUCTION In the direction of enabling the . . . Continue reading...