All posts in Teacher App
This guide will explain how to configure Absence Types for teachers and their use within the system. To create the Absence Types you need to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to teachers: Then scroll down the page to "Categorizing Teacher Absence Types" . . . Continue reading...
A teacher can only edit/update attendance once the secretary has enabled the ability to edit it from Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to Teachers→ Extra activities per teacher In the field highlighted in the image above, several values can be entered: -1: as also indicated by the system by entering this value teachers will be able to . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain the process for setting Time Limits related to moving classes and entering/editing attendance data by teachers both from accessing via App and via Web. To set these limits, it is necessary to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to teachers: Once there . . . Continue reading...
After logging in as a teacher to the app of ScuolaSemplice, navigating to the Attendance section will allow you to see all the classes that require manual intervention for entering student attendance, at which point you will only need to click on the arrow located next to the desired day in order to have the opportunity to . . . Continue reading...
Teacher Configuration In order to schedule lessons in a Carnet the Teacher must be enabled. Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Lecturers and under the Lecture Carnet box check "Allow management and planning of carnet lessons": In case you want to give . . . Continue reading...
In case autonomous lesson planning by Students is enabled in the system (for flexible or carnet courses), it will be necessary for the Registrar or Teacher to confirm the lesson taken by the Student (only if lesson confirmation is enabled, read the full guide). Note: At the time of . . . Continue reading...
If evaluations have been enabled in the system and in the course of interest, the Course Lecturer can enter them either from his Web account or directly from the App. Entering Assessments via Web Account In order to assign assessments to students, the Lecturer must go to the course and click the "Assessments" tab: . . . Continue reading...
In the interest of time optimization, it is possible to massively send the invitation to install the APP to the registries in the system. Click here for the guide to single submission of the Mobile App. Navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Mass Send Invitations for App Use, here click the Blue Send Invitations for App Use button: Note: . . . Continue reading...
The ScuolaSemplice system in addition to the web system may also involve the use of a dedicated APP. Therefore, it may happen that during its developments agreed with the customer, the APP ScuolaSemplice (BETA) is sent to the customer and must be installed in his Android device. This functionality is not immediately accessible and does not . . . Continue reading...
From the menu item Administration → General Settings, if any, you can enter your website, school Facebook page identifier and Instagram page. After you have finished filling in the relevant fields, go downstairs remaining in the same "General Settings" section and click the "Edit . . . Continue reading...