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All posts in FAD

Webex enablement and interconnection.

Please note: Interconnection with Webex is a business module, subject to an additional service fee, the terms of which must be accepted before accessing the service: Webex licensing costs remain the responsibility of the customer in all cases Interconnection is between the ScuolaSemplice system and accounts . . . Continue reading...

FAD module: integration with Microsoft Teams

To make the interconnection between ScuolaSemplice and the Microsoft Teams online class management system, navigate to Configuration → Integrations and expand the "Integration with MS Teams" section. At this point you will need to indicate the type of interconnection you wish to make, being able to choose from: Pure integration via API . . . Continue reading...

Add a new virtual classroom

In case you use ScuolaSemplice 's integration with the Zoom platform to manage virtual lessons, you will need your account to have a PRO host number corresponding to the maximum number of lessons that can take place at the same time. Click here to read the full guide. The . . . Continue reading...