All posts tagged disenrollment
Note: Disenrollment does not affect the original enrollment order or payments due or already made. To be able to disenroll a Student from a Study Plan navigate to Didactics → Study Plans: Then click on the Students button under the Enrollment Management column: A list of Students will appear . . . Continue Reading...
A purchase voucher intended as a discount to be used for a future enrollment or as an amount to be reimbursed to the student, can be used with a dual purpose: as a purchase voucher for a new enrollment in a course, thus deducting from the total cost of the course the value of the note as . . . Continue reading...
Disenrollment from Transfers and Refunds To disenroll a student from a course, group or individual, navigate to Transfers and Refunds from the main menu: Enter the Name of the student and select the Course from which you intend to disenroll him/her: The student's financial status related to the selected course will then be shown, i.e. . . . Continue reading...