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Flat fee course

The lump sum cost consists of a one-time cost that, unlike the one-time cost per enrollee, covers the entire course regardless of the number of enrollees. It will then be sufficient to indicate the lump sum cost related to the course either in the creation of a new course type or directly in the creation of a new collective course.

For example, the lump-sum cost can be used when an order holder company pays for a group course for some of its employees. Then the order will be in the name of the company (previously entered in the registry as guardian/manager) that will pay the lump-sum cost set for the course, and the student employees will later be entered into the course without going through the enrollment panel.

To enroll in a lump sum cost course (after creating it from Didactics → Group Courses), from the enrollment panel, click the small arrow on the red button at the top right of the screen and choose the lump sum course to be charged (after creating one or more courses with lump sum enrollment cost, the system will list them in the drop-down menu of the red button as long as they are not charged).

After choosing the course, select only the tutor/responsible order holder and complete the purchase order (students will be placed directly into the course without going through the enrollment order).

After finishing the order, from the list of courses, click the icon Students enrolled on the specific course row and, from the next screen, click the Add student to the course.

Then choose the student, enter the start date of course attendance, and click the Register for the course to finish the operation.

CAUTION, please note that the lump sum cost is different from the one-time cost per enrollee: the former will indicate the total cost of the course regardless of the number of enrollees; the latter will indicate the cost related to the individual course enrollment

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  1. Pingback: The Figure of the Guardian / Responsible Person - The Wiki of ScuolaSemplice

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