For the Secretariat to enter Teacher availability and Absences follow this guide. Enabling Teachers to Set Up Their Personal Availability and Absences To enable Teachers to set up their weekly availability and absences, it is necessary to navigate to Configuration → Settings → Related Settings . . . Continue reading...
Student grades can be exported to two different sections within the Course. For either type of export, you must navigate to Didactics → Collective Courses / Individual Lessons: From here enter the Course Tab by clicking on its Name: 1. Exporting Grades from the Course Tab . . . Continue Reading...
To export Employees or Students linked to a Company, you need to navigate to Master Data → Students: Then add the Client Companies filter to the screen by clicking Add Filter → Client Companies: Use the filter you just entered to view the Students that are associated with the Company of interest: Once . . . Continue Reading...
It is possible to divide a lesson to be made up into several lessons. This is possible only if the course is set with predetermined number of hours or set with manually set date or until the end of the educational year. The process is the same as explained in this guide, When choosing the . . . Continue reading...
This guide will show how to export the list of Online Lesson Links for use outside of ScuolaSemplice, it may happen that companies or entities funding courses that are conducted through Zoom or Teams online sessions request in advance the links to the entire course lessons . . . Continue reading...
Note: It is not possible to perform this action massively. To disconnect a User's app, it is necessary to navigate to Master Data and choose the desired section: Students, Tutors or Teachers: Then click on the User's Name to access their tab: From the screen that opens click on the icon at the top Mobile: A . . . Continue reading...
Changing the duration of a Flexible Course follows a different and simpler path than that of Regular Courses. Navigate to Didactics → Collective Courses/Individual Lessons: Then click on the Edit button next to the course of interest: Then scroll down to Course Duration and set the new duration . . . Continue reading...
This guide will explain how to link an asset/service to the sale of a Course: Linking an Asset/Service as a Course Enrollment Fee Linking an Asset/Service as an Additional Course Asset For guidance on setting up an Asset/Service click here. CONNECTING A GOOD/SERVICE AS A COURSE ENROLLMENT FEE After . . . Continue reading...
Extra Activities are enabled by Default only for entry from Secretariat. To enable Lecturers to create new personal extra activities navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Lecturers and enable "Allow Lecturer to reserve a classroom for extra/personal activities": Immediately there will be more . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to disconnect a Tutor from a Student in two different ways: from the Student Registry, from the Tutor Registry. Disconnect a Tutor from the Student's Registry Navigate to Registry → Students and click on the Menu → Edit button next to the Registry of interest: Then navigate to the bottom of the page and click . . . Continue reading...