A purchase voucher intended as a discount to be used for a future enrollment or as an amount to be reimbursed to the student, can be used with a dual purpose: as a purchase voucher for a new enrollment in a course, thus deducting from the total cost of the course the value of the note as . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to record a down payment for a Vendor Invoice by navigating to: Tax Management → Expense Master → On the invoice of interest → Edit → Record Payment → Partial Payment: Once the down payment is recorded, the payment will not appear fully settled but will appear in parentheses the amount that still needs to be . . . Continue reading...
The Payment Out of Installment feature can be set when entering an enrollment from the Student Enrollment panel. Once multiple courses or Goods/Services are added to the cart we could display the three payment options: Paid Installment Payment Out of Installment If the goods in the cart will be entered . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to copy a calendar of lessons from another flexible course already calendared and present in the management system. The new flexible course you are creating must have: A set start date A predefined number of hours A number of hours equal (or similar) to those of the course to be . . . Continue reading...
To send payment reminders to specific students or guardians who have not paid their tuition/fees by the due date there are two ways, either by entering inside the specific student's order of enrollment, or from the section where all students' receivable payments are collected. Navigate . . . Continue reading...
It sometimes happens that at the end of the educational/school year, some of the tuition fees have not been properly registered with payment and that you want to "clear" the situation so that you have a clean situation for the new year. Therefore, to massively cancel the remaining open student fees and close the . . . Continue reading...
To enable the management of card numbers to be associated with the membership fee, navigate to Administration → Economic Settings and expand the "Student Membership Fees" section. Next, enter the checkmark "Assign a card to the student membership fee": And save the changes: At this point, navigate to the new . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to perform an import of invoices already generated in XML into the management system. Navigate to Tax Settings → Invoices/Credit Notes and select the three bullets at the top right and then Import XML Invoices: In the box that opens click on Choose File: From the file selection window . . . Continue reading...
Both Teachers and Administrators can enter attendance for one or more classes. Among the various system settings, however, it is possible to enable attendance validation. Through this feature, all attendance entered by teachers must first be validated by Admins. How to enable . . . Continue reading...
Orders in Financial Management → Order Management can be filtered by type. These filters serve to reduce the amount of information on the screen, showing only the type of order requested. Clicking on "each order type" will bring up a drop-down menu showing the various types available: . . . Continue reading...