It is possible to make an export of the Lesson Agenda within a Collective or Individual Course. Navigate to Didactics → Collective Course/Individual Course, and access the Lesson Agenda. On this screen click the blue button on the down arrow found under Export and click on Export Lesson Agenda: . . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice allows you to define the nationality assigned to new entries. For proper configuration, it is important to navigate to Administration → General Settings and make the appropriate changes. As you will see, among the first entries will be the one inherent to nationality. You will just have to choose a new country by scrolling through the available ones in the . . . Continue reading...
To delete a receipt, you must navigate to Tax Management → Receipt List and select the red trash icon. CAUTION: Because of the importance of maintaining the correct numbering of receipts, the system allows you to reuse the number previously assigned to a receipt that has been deleted. If you delete the last receipt, when you . . . Continue reading...
Topics are subcategories of Subjects, they come in handy if you want an additional difference for a single Subject e.g. Business English topic for English subject. Adding Topics to a Subject To add one or more topics to a subject present in the system navigate to Master Data → Subjects. Click . . . Continue reading...
Classrooms in a location can be sorted differently than the original placement given by the system. By navigating to Master Data → Classrooms, manual sorting can be selected. If multiple locations have been specified, it will first be appropriate to filter by individual location and then go to click on the edit icon: A . . . Continue reading...
In case you use ScuolaSemplice 's integration with the Zoom platform to manage virtual lessons, you will need your account to have a PRO host number corresponding to the maximum number of lessons that can take place at the same time. Click here to read the full guide. The . . . Continue reading...
The hybrid class option provides the option of taking a blended class, where some students attend classes in-person and others online. It is therefore possible to choose manually or automatically, which students can attend physically and which must connect remotely, while still participating in the same lesson. Note: The system . . . Continue reading...
The system allows you to associate more than one profile with a single person, giving a single individual the ability to fill the roles of teacher, student, and/or tutor simultaneously. To associate a new profile with an existing user simply enter the Master Data section of our interest (Teacher, Student . . . Continue reading...
This mini-guide on generating reports from teacher master records using the .odt template is divided into the following sections: INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF PLACEHOLDERS LISTS OF PLACEHOLDERS IN TABLES CONDITIONAL BLOCKS FILTERS LIST OF AVAILABLE PLACEHOLDERS SYSTEM LOADING OF ODT TEMPLATE USE OF CONTRACT TEMPLATE 1. INTRODUCTION In the direction of enabling . . . Continue reading...
Mass Generation of Tax Receipts To massively generate tax receipts for an arbitrary number of settled payments, navigate to Fiscal Management > Income/Expenses and check the checkbox in the upper left corner above the list of transactions. Below, check the checkboxes for all payments recorded for the . . . Continue reading...