In case you need to suspend payment of one or more installments of an already issued order, or simply decide on the due date at a later date, you will be able to set the due date as "to be defined." Navigate to Financial Management → Order Management and click the light blue icon "Manage the . . . Continue reading...
To create a new Online Form navigate to Configuration → Online Form, from the next screen, click the top right Add button. Then fill in the following fields: Name* : the name of the form Description: any description of the form The forms can be used either to make course registrations . . . Continue reading...
Course Status allows you to indicate the Status of a Course so that it is Open for Enrollment, Closed for Enrollment, or in Preparation, i.e., hidden from Teachers and Students. This function must be specially enabled in Configuration → Settings → Course Related Settings the Settings tab . . . Continue reading...
To export the list of payments to be received from the system, navigate to the menu Financial Management → Student Fees. By default, the system shows all payments to be received that are about to expire or are already past due, sorting them by due date. Via the first drop-down menu at . . . Continue reading...
Any collective course can be extended by creating a second course, which will have the same characteristics as the original course and will begin after the first one ends. Unlike lengthening the original course, creating an extension course allows you to set an additional cost for students who want to . . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice allows the delivery to Students enrolled in a Course of a Quiz or Survey created directly in Management. Creating the Quiz/Survey Navigate to Configuration → Quizzes and Surveys and from the screen that comes up click Add under the Questionnaires/Quizzes/Tests section: First you must define the . . . Continue reading...
IMPORTANT: The file must be in .odt format and not .doc, so the use of word is not recommended. Rather, it is highly recommended to use Openoffice This mini guide on configuring the school enrollment contract from ODT template, is divided into the following paragraphs: INTRODUCTION PLACEHOLDER DEFINITION PLACEHOLDER LISTS PLACEHOLDERS . . . Continue reading...
The waiting list is used to manage those student enrollments that have been made after the maximum number of participants in a collective course has been reached. In fact, the members of the waiting list, as current enrollees drop out of the course, will be able to slide forward . . . Continue reading...
In case there are many duplicates in the student master records, the system allows you to perform a massive master merge operation, being able to choose a value to be used for identifying the duplicates. After the merge is performed, all related information, such as enrollments, tuition, orders, payments, invoices, etc., will automatically flow to the remaining user. Navigate to the . . . Continue reading...
Automations make it possible to automate certain communications according to criteria that are defined by the school. An indefinite number of automations can be created, each of which will make it possible to: filter which courses are affected by automation; define whether the communication is to be sent to the secretary, the client company, the teacher or the students; define . . . Continue reading...