To delete an electronically signed Contract, you need to navigate to Financial Management → Manage Orders: Then press the blue Manage Installments and Payments icon on the order of interest: Then click on Reopen/Edit Order: Finally click on the trash icon that appears next to the signed contract:
This guide will explain how to plan a Regular Course up to a certain date and how to plan it in periods. Planning a Regular Course to a Certain Date To do this type of planning you will need to go into Didactics→ Collective Courses/Individual Lessons: Once you have identified the course in . . . Continue reading...
Note: This step is optional. It is also possible to schedule Teacher absences without an absence type. Follow this guide. It is possible to create categories of absences made by Teachers. This allows Teachers or the Secretariat to indicate the reason for the day of absence. Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings . . . Continue reading...
To keep Enrollment Orders more organized ScuolaSemplice offers a fully configurable Order States system. This allows us to individually or massively associate a state for each order, so we can easily keep track of only the orders we are interested in working with. Enabling States for Orders To enable . . . Continue reading...
NOTE: To carry out this procedure it is first necessary to have correctly created a Certificate/Attestation with linked protocol numbers, click here for the creation guide. To proceed with linking a Certificate/Attestation to a course navigate to Didactics -> Collective Courses and in the Edit Tab we will find the reference field . . . Continue reading...
During the enrollment process it may be useful to know what Lecturers are available. To be able to do this you will need to use the Hourly Availability button found in the Student Enrollment panel: This will open a section in which you can filter the Teachers by the chosen Subject and or directly enter . . . Continue Reading...
This guide will explain where to configure the Payment Methods that will be visible in the App during payment. To make the ability to make payments via PayPal, IBAN or PostePay visible in the App, it is necessary to configure them from Configuration→ Settings→ Mobile App Configurations: In this section you will be able to enable payments . . . Continue reading...
Click here for guidance on how to edit or create Email/SMS templates from ScuolaSemplice.
This guide will explain the configuration and operation of Transferring a Student to a class in another course. In order to perform this type of transfer you must have configured the levels related to the courses, for the guide on configuring levels click here. Once you have configured the . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to create Courses that do not need to take Student attendance, this will allow ScuolaSemplice to mark the lesson as being held automatically at 00:00 on the day of the lesson. To do this you need to navigate to Didactics → Collective/Individual Courses: And enter the Edit tab of the . . Continue reading...