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In the case of the individual course, to change the student's enrollment date it will simply be necessary to change the start date of the course itself. Then navigate to Didactics → Individual Lessons and click the edit icon on the line of the course in question. At this point, edit the course start date . . . Continue reading...
Regardless of the start date of a course, a student's class attendance can be entered, only from his or her enrollment date in the course onward. To change a student's enrollment day for a group course, it is necessary to go to Didactics → Group Courses and click . . . Continue reading...
Configuring Lesson Carnets Navigate to Administration → Economic Settings Scroll down the page to the Lesson Carnet Costs section and enter all the required information for the new package you want to create: Example: Package Name: Package 10 Specify the type of expiration of the carnet: Enable if the Carnet has lasso . . . Continue reading...
Disenrollment from Transfers and Refunds To disenroll a student from a course, group or individual, navigate to Transfers and Refunds from the main menu: Enter the Name of the student and select the Course from which you intend to disenroll him/her: The student's financial status related to the selected course will then be shown, i.e. . . . Continue reading...
Unlike group courses, which must be created prior to student enrollment, individual courses, since they are courses for the individual, are created with student enrollment via purchase order. For the creation of individual courses, it is necessary as a first step to define the various types . . . Continue reading...
Collective courses are group courses generally with regular scheduling, involving a certain fixed weekly schedule, usually with the same teacher, and a group of students participating in the course. In the case where the same type of regular group course involves several classes of . . . Continue reading...
To disable the Minimum Number of Students and Maximum Number of Students fields navigate to Configuration → Settings. From the next screen click on Course Related Settings and scroll down to the Disable checkbox on minimum and maximum number of students. Enter the flag and click on Apply Changes . . . Continue reading...
In the case where a regularly scheduled course is taught by two or more lecturers, it will be possible to insert them either during course creation or at a later stage. IMPORTANT: All lecturers to be inserted, must be associated with the subject matter of the course, as explained in this guide. Regular course . . . Continue reading...
A flexibly scheduled course is a course, usually one-on-one, for which the student decides the time of the next class from time to time, so the scheduling of the Course will be handled one class at a time. There are two ways to schedule a flexible course: from the course lesson schedule . . . Continue reading...
In case an individual course involves teaching by two or more lecturers, it will be possible to add them immediately after the student's enrollment, during which it will be possible to enter only one. Then, after the student has enrolled, navigate to Didactics → Individual Lessons and click the button the icon of . . . Continue reading...