All posts in Fiscal Management
In order to be able to issue tax receipts following the receipt of a payment. you will first need to have previously enabled their issuance from the company's tax settings. Click here to read the article on configuration. There are three ways to proceed with the issuance of a tax receipt. Issuing tax receipts from the section . . . Continue reading...
In the event that there are duplicate master records in Fiscal Management → Customers/Suppliers for the same customer and/or supplier, you will be able to use the function to merge these duplicate master records, thus merging all the data and information from both into a single master record. Navigate to Tax Management → Customers/Suppliers and enter the flag . . . Continue reading...
To record an output manually, you can navigate to Tax Management → Income/Expense and click on the top right in the orange arrow pointing down and click Add Simple Movement: The following screen will open where you can enter all the desired values: Once you have entered values such as . . . Continue reading...
In the event that a credit note has been manually issued for a previously issued invoice, it will be possible to link one to the other, as if the credit note had been issued from the invoice in question in the first place (click here to read the guide on issuing credit notes . . . Continue reading...
To delete an erroneously issued invoice, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes: Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice in question and below choose the "Remove Invoice/Credit Note" option: Following the deletion of the invoice, it will be automatically disconnected from the order and payments, allowing . . . Continue reading...
In the case where it is necessary to abandon payment of an invoice that is to be settled, either in whole or in part, because it is no longer due or because it has already been paid and you do not want to record the transaction, or a credit note issued to reverse (partially) an invoice, but which is not to be concretely . . . Continue reading...
To issue Credit Note directly from the invoice you intend to reverse, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices / Credit Notes: Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice in question and choose the "Issue Credit Note" option: At this point, by issuing the credit note, you will be able to . . . Continue reading...
Creating a Customer/Supplier gives the option to issue manual Active Invoices or to manually mark an output with an attached Passive Invoice. To enter a customer or supplier master record, navigate to Fiscal Management → Customers/Suppliers and click the button at the top left of the screen "Add Supplier Customer": This will open . . . Continue reading...
In the event that some error has been made in the compilation of invoice data (in general, possible errors concern the master data of the invoice holder), not complying with the canons of compliance of the XML file established by the Internal Revenue Service, it will be possible to check the type of non-compliance highlighted by the system and . . . Continue reading...
To mass download active invoices navigate to Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes: Click the Any Period drop-down menu and choose the Specify a Period option and select Current Quarter, Past Quarter or Specify a Period: Download Invoices in PDF or XML Having selected the Period of interest, under . . . Continue Reading...