All posts in Web Interface Administration
To speed up the work ScuolaSemplice allows the creation of a Study Plan in the next Educational Year after the current one and the transition of Students to the next year than the one where they are currently enrolled. This operation makes it possible to speed up the transition to the next year of Students enrolled in a Study Plan without . . . Continue reading...
1. Creating a Subject To create a Subject, navigate to Master Data → Subjects: And click on the button at the top right Add Subject: This will open the Compilation Form which will look like this: Subject Name: Name of the Subject (only required field). Department: Any related department. Description: Description of the subject (visible . . . Continue reading...
You can add a simple movement unrelated to an Order, Teacher, Vendor or Administrator by navigating to Tax Management → Income/Expenses then select the Company on which to add a movement: All the Income/Expenses of the management system will be loaded with the ability to export the First Note. Click on the orange arrow . . . Continue reading...
ScuolaSemplice manages the payment of Administrative staff (master data can be found in Administration → Administrators). This payment is handled only manually without any calculation based on an hourly rate as is done for Teachers. Entering an Administrative Payment To enter a manual payment to an Administrator navigate to . . . Continue reading...
Exam Simulation Quizzes allow Students to take a Quiz for a maximum number of times with questions randomly chosen by the system, at the end of the simulations the result of correct or incorrect answers will be shown. This type of Quiz allows Students to practice for the Exam . . . Continue Reading...
Please note: The Standard Discounts feature in Online Forms is a premium module and must be activated upon request to the sales It is possible to create and make usable predefined discounts in Online Forms. The discounts created can have well-defined rules for their use. The conditions of validity . . . Continue reading...
For guidance on creating a single Client Company read the following Guide. In order to perform a bulk import of Customer Companies, you need to navigate to Master Data → Customer Companies and click on the Import Company Master Data button: This will open a sub-menu where you can download the blank template . . . Continue reading...
Linking a Student to a Client Company To link a Student to a Client Company navigate to Master Data → Students: And click on Menu → Edit: Among the first visible boxes look for Linked Company: Then choose from the drop-down menu the Company to which to link the Student and click the green button in . . . Continue Reading...
The use of Projects enables the planning and management of a Funded Budget divided into sections. Creating Roles in Courses and Projects First you will need to create Operator Roles in Courses and Projects. 1.1 Roles in Courses Navigate to Administration → Economic Settings → . . . Continue reading...
In order to do a bulk import of Client Companies read this guide. To create a Client Company navigate to Master Data → Client Companies: Then click on Add Customer Company: Note: Creating a Client Company automatically involves creating a Client/Supplier present in Tax Management. The master data present in Customer Companies . . . Continue reading...