All posts in Web Interface Administration
At ScuolaSemplice you can create an Online Form with the option of making it Mandatory to reload the signed contract. Click here to read this guide for creating an Online Form. In Configuration → Online Form→ Edit there is the checkmark Signed Contract Reload: Other checkmarks are also enabled: . . . Continue reading...
To issue a partial credit note on an invoice, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes. Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice you wish to partially write off, followed by the "Invoice and Payment Details" option. From the next screen, you will need to navigate down to the "Due Date" section . . . Continue reading...
The expendable carnet of lessons on group courses, is a package of a certain predefined number of hours, which can be used to participate in individual scheduled lessons of one or more group courses. Creating the carnet As a first step you will need to create the spendable carnet for individual classes . . . Continue reading...
In order to allow two or more teachers to enter their attendance in the same class, you will first need to enable the function related to teacher co-presence. Then navigate from the main menu of ScuolaSemplice to Configuration → Settings and expand the "Course-related settings" section. THEN, by entering the tab . . . Continue reading...
To change the next invoice number in sequential numbering, or the format, navigate to Tax Management → Tax Settings: Click the orange icon "Manage Billing Sectionals": Click the Edit button (next to the sectional of interest), specifically the one(s) related to Invoices: On the "Next Document Number" line, indicate the number of the . . Continue reading...
1. Academic Year Configuration The first step in order to be able to define specific periods within the time frame that comprises the Educational Year, it is necessary to access Configuration → Educational Years after which click on the blue button within which we can go to create the periods referring to the educational years: The order of the periods is . . . Continue reading...
The use of Protocol Numbers is a function of Certificates, if you have not yet created them read this guide. Creating the Protocol Numbers and linking them to the Certificates/Certificates can be very useful for numbering the issued Certificates also this allows the System to unlock some functions such as those for sending . . . Continue reading...
The system provides the ability to merge an open carnet within a closed carnet. This is typically for the purpose of considering in the hours ceiling of the lecture carnet, lectures previously created as open carnet. As a basic prerequisite, the closed carnet must not be exhausted but must therefore have . . . Continue reading...
Zapier allows you to create automation within ScuolaSmplice. This integration is often used to import contacts from your CRM to ScuolaSemplice. To begin configuration navigate to Configuration → Integrations and expand the API Accounts section for connection to external systems: Then create a new connection, setting a Username, . . . Continue reading...
Within the ScuolaSemplice management system it is possible to disconnect any user from the app, inhibiting their use. The latter as soon as he or she interacts with any tab in the app will be disconnected, no longer being able to interact with it in any way. How, then, do you disconnect a registry? By accessing Master Records → Teachers/Students/Tutors, click on the name of the student you wish to disconnect. You . . . Continue reading...