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All posts in Web Interface Administration

Examination management

To create one or more exam sessions, in which to enroll students, navigate to the menu item Didactics → Examination List and click the button in the upper right corner "Add Examination": From the next screen, fill in the following fields: Type: from the drop-down menu, choose the option "Examination/Certification" (required field) . . . Continue reading...

Office365 mail configuration

The ScuolaSemplice management system ensures that you can configure your email through Office365 by following two quick and easy steps. The first step is to activate the SMTP protocol present within your Office365 mailbox. This is the procedure to follow in order to finalize the Microsoft office configuration. . . . Continue reading...

Download filtered calendar

Various types of data can be downloaded from the Calendar, going to generate a pdf file. By accessing the calendar icon located at the top right of any management page, you will be able to interface with the data download. Also at the top of the screen will be four icons. . . . Continue reading...


Through Didactics → Reports it is possible to get an overall view of the reports that have been generated. You will first have to define the section from which to analyze the students; they can then be chosen from internal students or from a specific company. The second drop-down menu, on the other hand, will allow you to choose . . . Continue reading...

Criticality management

Under Didactics, there is a Criticality Management item: This screen encloses all Courses that have critical issues and therefore require Secretariat intervention. The screen looks like this: Code: Course Code Course Name: Course Name Company Name: Name of the Company for which the course is reserved. Duration . . . Continue reading...

Master data forms

Master Data Form provides the ability to customize data entry for faculty, tutors and students. The system presents by default several parameters that you may not need. To make sure they no longer appear on the screen, you can arrange the display by going to Configuration → Master Data Form. . . . Continue reading...

Edit student profile/web/app

If enabled, a student can change some data inherent to his or her profile. The secretary will need to access: Configuration → Settings. Under settings related to students and tutors select the flag "Users can customize their profile" After enabling this configuration, users will be able to edit some information: First name; Last name; . . . Continue reading...