All posts in Web Interface Administration
Either when creating a collective course, or a type for collective or individual, the system prompts you to enter the type of duration and below the actual duration of the course. The duration of a course can be defined according to three possibilities provided by the system: Set . . . Continue reading...
In the event that you need to delete a purchase order because a student's enrollment or pre-enrollment has been incorrectly made, navigate to Financial Management → Order Management: Orders for which no payment has been recorded can be removed by simply clicking the trash icon on the . . . Continue Reading...
A teacher may be disabled and thus hidden from the platform. For security reasons, he/she will not be able to be deleted from the system's history (unless he/she has never been associated with any course, only in this case will it be possible to delete his/her master data). To disable a teacher navigate to Master Data → . . . Continue reading...
In case you need to issue a single invoice to the customer for installments of the same enrollment order, the system provides this option. So, to configure single invoicing for multiple payments, navigate to Configuration → Settings → Order-related settings. Now, from the drop-down menu "Generation . . . Continue reading...
To enable the recording of late entries and early exits navigate to Configuration → Settings. From the next screen click on Course Related Settings and flag the Enable recording of late entries (minutes) and Enable recording of early exits (minutes) checkboxes. Click the Apply Changes button to save the operation.
To enable issuance of tax receipts navigate to Tax Management → Tax Settings: Then click on the Edit button next to the Company of interest: From the next screen enhance the checkbox "Enable issuance of tax receipts for payments received." Then enter: Next receipt number: the number of the receipt from which you . . . Continue reading...
When creating a group course or course type, the system prompts you to enter the type of course enrollment fee, being able to choose from: Monthly enrollment fee One-time cost per enrollee Flat fee Hourly cost of attendance Cost of attendance per lesson " Fee . . . Continue reading...
To enable and configure academic hours, navigate to Configuration → Settings → Course-related settings: Navigate to the section "Academic hours": Then value the checkbox "Enable the ability to have academic hours" and choose from the possible academic hours by valuing the relevant checkbox: An academic hour will formally be 60 . . . Continue reading...
In case you need to move a private (i.e., not corporate) student from one collective course to another (i.e., from one class of students to another), you will need to enter the "Transfers and Refunds" section of the main menu. Note: This function allows transfers only to Collective Courses. For . . . Continue reading...
The figure of the guardian/responsible person can be primarily used for two purposes: parent in the case of a minor student; company in the case of courses provided to its employees. In both cases, it will be possible to head the enrollment order to the guardian/responsible person instead of to the student or students participating in the course. The guardian/responsible person, . . . Continue reading...