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Entry of tutor/supervisor master data and link to one or more students

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There are 2 ways to enter the master records of tutors/supervisors into the system:

  1. navigate to Master records Guardians/responsible persons and click the "Add Responsible/Tutor".
    Then enter the personal data (only the fields Name e Last name will have to be filled in compulsorily, the others can also be completed at a later stage by going to master data editing) and, at the bottom of the page under "Connect students", choose one or more students to be connected. Click the button Add Manager/Guardian To conclude the operation.
  2. The system also allows you to enter the responsible guardian directly from the student's record to whom you want to link. Then navigate to Master records → Students and click the button Add student in case the student in question is not yet in the system, or in case he/she has already been entered click the button "Menu" and then choose the option "Edit".
    Scroll to the bottom of the page under "Guardian/Responsible" and choose one of the following options:

    • do not define: choosing this option will not associate any tutor with the student
    • define new: by choosing this option, it will be possible to create the tutor registry which will automatically connect to the student
    • select existing: by choosing this option, it will be possible to choose a guardian whose registry has already been entered into the system previously

N.B. It is also possible to link more than one student to each responsible guardian (in case, for example, a parent has several children enrolled in the same school and wants through their App to view the course information of all their children); likewise, it will be possible to link more than one guardian to the same student (in case, for example, both mother and father want through their App to view the course info of their child).

IMPORTANT: Cell phone number and email address are unique data; they cannot be entered on multiple registries, but only in the registry of the person to whom they belong.
Therefore, if a minor student does not have his/her own cell phone number and email, the relevant fields should be left blank.


(3) Comments

  1. Pingback: Linking the App when a client is both a student and a guardian/guardian - The Wiki of ScuolaSemplice

  2. Pingback: Managing via App the parent of multiple student children - The Wiki of ScuolaSemplice

  3. Pingback: Association of multiple responsible guardians to the same student - The Wiki of ScuolaSemplice

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