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Reseller module

1. Reseller Creation To create a reseller, after the specific module has been enabled on the system, simply navigate to the "Tax Management" → "Customers/Suppliers" section and create the "customer" master data specifying that it is a Reseller by entering the appropriate check mark. After creating the reseller, it will be viewable and . . . Continue reading...

Edit/update attendance data for a lesson taught on the Lecturer side

A teacher can only edit/update attendance once the secretary has enabled the ability to edit it from Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to Teachers→ Extra activities per teacher In the field highlighted in the image above, several values can be entered: -1: as also indicated by the system by entering this value teachers will be able to . . . Continue reading...

Enable application of Automatic Stamp Duty in Online Forms

In management systems equipped with Stamp ScuolaSemplice offers the possibility to enable the application of Automatic Stamping during online entry. To enable this feature make sure you have enabled the application of Automatic Stamping for Invoices as explained in this guide. Navigate to Configuration → Online Form: Then enter Edit . . . Continue Reading...

Planned Teacher Absence Entry.

ScuolaSemplice offers a Scheduled Absences system for Teachers. The latter can enter their absences independently or by communicating them to the Secretary who will enter them into the management system. Configuring Types of Teacher Absences Note: This step is optional. It is also possible to schedule Teachers' absences without typology . . . Continue reading...