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All posts tagged student

Enable Students, Teachers or Tutors to View/Edit their own custom fields

When defining custom fields in the user master data, the management system provides the option to indicate whether the specific custom field should be visible and editable by the user. The shared fields will be viewable by the user on his/her page from the personal profile. As a first step, it will be necessary to create the custom field to be applied to the master records . . . Continue reading...

The payment out of installments

The Payment Out of Installment feature can be set when entering an enrollment from the Student Enrollment panel. Once multiple courses or Goods/Services are added to the cart we could display the three payment options: Paid Installment Payment Out of Installment If the goods in the cart will be entered . . . Continue reading...

Edit student profile/web/app

If enabled, a student can change some data inherent to his or her profile. The secretary will need to access: Configuration → Settings. Under settings related to students and tutors select the flag "Users can customize their profile" After enabling this configuration, users will be able to edit some information: First name; Last name; . . . Continue reading...

Creating multiprofile users

The system allows you to associate more than one profile with a single person, giving a single individual the ability to fill the roles of teacher, student, and/or tutor simultaneously. To associate a new profile with an existing user simply enter the Master Data section of our interest (Teacher, Student . . . Continue reading...