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The figure of the Guardian/Responsible

The figure of the guardian/responsible person can be primarily used for two purposes: parent in the case of a minor student; company in the case of courses provided to its employees. In both cases, it will be possible to head the enrollment order to the guardian/responsible person instead of to the student or students participating in the course. The guardian/responsible person, . . . Continue reading...

Remove Sunday from the course calendar

To remove Sunday from the general course calendar navigate to Configuration → Settings. Open the Calendar Related Settings section and uncheck the flag from the Show Sunday in Calendar checkbox. Click the Apply Changes button to save the operation.

The pay of teachers

When creating a collective course or course type, the system asks you to enter which type of remuneration you intend to use for the teacher, choosing from: Set manually: if this mode is chosen, enter the hourly cost of the lecturer for the specific course. Regardless of what the . . . Continue reading...