All posts tagged sales form
Please note: The Standard Discounts feature in Online Forms is a premium module and must be activated upon request to the sales It is possible to create and make usable predefined discounts in Online Forms. The discounts created can have well-defined rules for their use. The conditions of validity . . . Continue reading...
In the case of using many online enrollment via Online Form, it is possible to format the text that Users enter at the time of enrollment. This is to allow homogeneity in the master data entered into the system and proper formatting of the text in the data that the user enters. Note: The application of formatting is valid . . . Continue reading...
In order to allow users to register themselves on ScuolaSemplice directly from their WordPress site, it will be necessary in the first instance to create an ad hoc registration form on the management system that includes all the fields that users will need to fill in during registration. To do this you need to navigate to . . . Continue reading...
Within the Online Form, in the path Configuration → Online Form → Edit you can insert a clickable link within free text in order to download a file to read (such as Privacy file, Terms and Conditions, various instructions, course files, etc...) Within Edit in the Online Form . . . Continue Reading...
It is possible to view payments that have occurred as a result of an enrollment via Online Form. Navigate to Configuration → Online Form, next to the Form we are interested in click the Show payments received item, the following screen will open: You will be able to view a lot of information including the Payment Method, Code . . . Continue Reading...
NOTE: It is only possible to enable pre-registration on Online forms for group courses. Pre-enrollment via Sales Form allows Students to independently register for a Course before the actual creation of the Class. Creation of Collective Course Templates Pre-enrollment takes place based on the . . . Continue Reading...