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Elimination of a duplicate parent/guardian

This guide will explain how to delete a duplicate Parent/Guardian.

Going to Master Data→ Parents/Guardians:

You will find in the list the two duplicate master records for the same parent to which at least one child in common will be linked, if clicking on Menus of both will not have the option to remove them it means that both have orders or invoices linked to them:

In fact, entering the tab of the two profiles will show that they are linked to enrollment orders:


To be able to delete one of the two, it will then be necessary to head all related children's orders to only one of the two profiles; to do this, you will need to go into Financial Management→ Order Management:

Once here you will have to search for the order in question and enter in Manage installments and payments of it:

One should then click on the blue button next to the name of theMember or ordercontact person:

From the drop-down that will appear, you will need to select the parent/guardian profile that will NOT be deleted, then save the change and head the order to that profile:

If the profile you want to delete has an invoice in its name you will need to change the invoice holder, for guidance on this change click here.

Once the Parent/Guardian profile no longer has orders and invoices linked by going back to Master Data→ Parents/Guardians and clicking on Menu you will be able to delete it via the appropriate button:

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