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Overbooking function of lecture booklets

ScuolaSemplice allows the overbooking of a booklet of lectures.. In this way the Student can book lectures even if the amount of hours in the Carnet he has purchased has ended. Hours in excess of the original Carnet will be placed in an Open Carnet, all subsequent lessons booked will be added to this new Open Carnet.
The function is intended not to lock the Student in at the end of his/her Carnet but gives the opportunity to continue to take advantage of new classes at the cost defined in the selected Open Carnet.
To enable the function you need to navigate to Administration → Economic settings → Lesson carnet costs., from here check the item. "Allow overbooking of carnet hours":
An additional entry will be shown:
  • Upon consumption of all available hours, transform the surplus into the Open Carnet: Select the Open Carnet that will be used when the hours purchased from the original Carnet are exceeded.

When the Student has finished the available hours the system will not prevent the Student, the Lecturer or the Secretariat from booking additional classes. If new classes are allocated, the excess hours will be allocated to the Open Carnet set.

Click here for guidance on creating an Open Carnet.


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