All posts tagged invoices
This guide will explain the procedure to follow if the amount of an invoice is not rounded correctly by the system. First you will have to access the section Tax Management→ Invoices/Credit Notes: Then click in the Menu button related to the incorrect invoice so you will have to access in Edit Invoice Attributes: A . . . Continue reading...
To partially invoice a business order issued from Crm & Marketing → Offerings, navigate to Crm & Marketing → Orders and click the "show order details" button CAUTION! In order to proceed with invoicing the order, whether partial or total, make sure you have confirmed it by clicking on the appropriate confirmation button! A . . . Continue reading...
If the Invoicing feature is not of interest to your School you can disable it by navigating to Tax Management → Tax Settings from here click on Edit next to the Company name of interest: At this point scroll down to Enable Invoice Issuance and uncheck the Checkbox on this checkbox: . . . Continue reading...
It is possible to perform an import of invoices already generated in XML into the management system. Navigate to Tax Settings → Invoices/Credit Notes and select the three bullets at the top right and then Import XML Invoices: In the box that opens click on Choose File: From the file selection window . . . Continue reading...
To access the payment schedule navigate to the menu Tax Management → Payment Schedule. Warning. The payment schedule in Fiscal Management, will include incoming payments to be received and outgoing payments to be made, only if they arise from active and passive invoices. So if an entry order, for example, does not . . . Continue reading...
To edit an invoice that has already been issued there are two methods, both of which may be useful on different occasions. The first is found in Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes click Menu next to the invoice you want to edit and from the drop-down menu select Invoice Details and Payments. From here select the icon . . . Continue reading...
In the event that a credit note has been manually issued for a previously issued invoice, it will be possible to link one to the other, as if the credit note had been issued from the invoice in question in the first place (click here to read the guide on issuing credit notes . . . Continue reading...
To delete an erroneously issued invoice, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices/Credit Notes: Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice in question and below choose the "Remove Invoice/Credit Note" option: Following the deletion of the invoice, it will be automatically disconnected from the order and payments, allowing . . . Continue reading...
In the case where it is necessary to abandon payment of an invoice that is to be settled, either in whole or in part, because it is no longer due or because it has already been paid and you do not want to record the transaction, or a credit note issued to reverse (partially) an invoice, but which is not to be concretely . . . Continue reading...
To issue Credit Note directly from the invoice you intend to reverse, navigate to Tax Management → Invoices / Credit Notes: Then click the "Menu" button on the line of the invoice in question and choose the "Issue Credit Note" option: At this point, by issuing the credit note, you will be able to . . . Continue reading...