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Using filters in master records and other sections of the system

Filters are present in many sections of the management system ScuolaSemplice, the most important ones include:

  • Student, Tutor and Client Company Records
  • Courses
  • Orders
  • Student Enrollment Panel

Many of the filters present are by default is not editable like those in the Order Management:

Others, such as those in the Master Data, can be changed, removed o added:

The use of multiple filters together is intended to be cumulative, will be shown only the results that comply with both filters.

In case they are not immediately visible, where present, it will be necessary to click on the icon with the arrow "Filters":

For add o delete a filter press in the corresponding button Add filter:

From the drop-down menu that appears the entries currently present in the columns will be marked with a black check mark, the others will be available available for addition:

Clicking on items will either added to the page if not yet present or removed if already entered.

In addition to the data made available by default from ScuolaSemplice , it is possible to add columns of custom fields previously created. Scrolling through the list of Default addable fields will present a sub-menu with the choice of custom fields:

To create a new custom field read this guide.

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