All posts tagged teachers
To use this service it is necessary to purchase annual licenses, for more information contact us at This giuda will explain the procedure to be performed to integrate the teachers' class calendar present on ScuolaSemplice with the calendars of the e-mail services: Enabling the service for teachers . . . Continue reading...
A teacher can only edit/update attendance once the secretary has enabled the ability to edit it from Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to Teachers→ Extra activities per teacher In the field highlighted in the image above, several values can be entered: -1: as also indicated by the system by entering this value teachers will be able to . . . Continue reading...
This guide will show how to massively link all teachers to all subjects in the system. In order to do this, you will need to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Settings related to teachers and under the heading Other teacher options you will need to put a check mark on "Link teachers to all . . . Continue reading...
Extra Activities are enabled by Default only for entry from Secretariat. To enable Lecturers to create new personal extra activities navigate to Configuration → Settings → Settings related to Lecturers and enable "Allow Lecturer to reserve a classroom for extra/personal activities": Immediately there will be more . . . Continue reading...
As part of the Lecturer Payment, it is possible to enable the expense reimbursement flow kept by Lecturers. NOTE: To enable the expense reimbursement flow for Lecturers contact the business department at: Expenses incurred will be charged by the Lecturers themselves with a Tax Document attestation to be attached to the . . . Continue reading...
In case a Lecturer in your School is busy in a course at an External Location or in a course where Students are not registered in the management system and it is not necessary to mark their attendance, it is possible to set up a course without the need to register students . . . Continue reading...
To "Educate" Lecturers to enter attendance to their classes, it is possible to configure time settings within which the Lecturer can enter attendance to their classes and/or modify attendance data. Navigate to Configuration → Settings → Teacher-related settings and scroll down to these . . . Continue reading...
It is possible from Financial Management → Lessons to Pay and from Teacher Pay to ignore a payment and, if desired, reinstate a previously ignored one. The procedure to be performed in Lessons to Pay is this: In an as-yet unapproved monthly payment click on Ignore payment of this fee: At this point the . . Continue reading...
The system allows you to associate more than one profile with a single person, giving a single individual the ability to fill the roles of teacher, student, and/or tutor simultaneously. To associate a new profile with an existing user simply enter the Master Data section of our interest (Teacher, Student . . . Continue reading...
In the event that the school, for privacy issues, needs to not show or partially show the name of its teachers, to its students and their responsible guardians, it will be possible to either assign an alias to them in its master data, or to configure the mode of display . . . Continue reading...