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All posts in Economic Settings

Configuring SDD Mandates

Enabling SDD mandates allows you to request a SEPA mandate from your banking institution to proceed with the activation of a mandate that sends the automatic payment to your Bank. 1 - SDD Activation for Account Management The first step you need to take in order to proceed with SDD setup is . . . Continue reading...

The pay of teachers

When creating a collective course or course type, the system asks you to enter which type of remuneration you intend to use for the teacher, choosing from: Set manually: if this mode is chosen, enter the hourly cost of the lecturer for the specific course. Regardless of what the . . . Continue reading...

VAT rate configuration

In the event that the school is VAT exempt or has a different VAT rate than the regular 22% rate, you will need to configure it in the system and choose one as the default. To enter new VAT rates navigate to Administration → Economic Settings and go down to the VAT Rates section. By default the rate will be . . . Continue reading...

Configuration of Enrollment Fees

To configure the annual membership fee navigate to Administration → Economic Settings then expand the "Student Membership Fees" section and enter: Membership fee name: name of the school's membership card Membership fee € *: cost of the school's membership card Period (Year(s)): duration in years of the school's membership card . . . Continue reading...