All posts in Group classes, individual lessons and lecture booklets
Below is how to perform the Closing/Canceling Operation for courses, both collective and individual. In addition, the Mass Archiving operation is also provided. Navigate to Didactics→Collective Courses (or Individual Lessons) and you will then have the list of courses in the system. The operation can be performed only with user . . . Continue reading...
To configure the Terms of Service you need to navigate to Administration → Terms of Service. Three sections will appear, the first refers to the site's Terms of Service: Changes made in this box will appear when the Terms of Service found in the lower right corner of each . . . Continue Reading...
The creation of a Multi-Matter Course within ScuolaSemplice can be done through two modes: Didactic Class: For courses that have regular class attendance Flexible Multi-Matter Course: For courses that do NOT have regular class attendance This choice is made when creating the course under Type . . . Continue reading...
The hybrid class option provides the option of taking a blended class, where some students attend classes in-person and others online. It is therefore possible to choose manually or automatically, which students can attend physically and which must connect remotely, while still participating in the same lesson. Note: The system . . . Continue reading...
Course Status allows you to indicate the Status of a Course so that it is Open for Enrollment, Closed for Enrollment, or in Preparation, i.e., hidden from Teachers and Students. This function must be specially enabled in Configuration → Settings → Course Related Settings the Settings tab . . . Continue reading...
Any collective course can be extended by creating a second course, which will have the same characteristics as the original course and will begin after the first one ends. Unlike lengthening the original course, creating an extension course allows you to set an additional cost for students who want to . . . Continue reading...
You can massively import course enrollments that are already in the system as course templates. To do this navigate to Administration → Massive Actions → Massive Import of Enrollments from here you will be able to download the Excel file that will need to be filled in with student data by clicking the Download Template button . . . Continue reading...
Uploading Documents to Your Storage at ScuolaSemplice To upload one or more documents to your virtual library at ScuolaSemplice, which can then be associated with courses and then downloaded by enrolled students, navigate to Master Records → Documents. Click the green button at the top right "Upload Document" and, from the . . . Continue reading...
To change the price of a tuition/hours/monthly package you will need to navigate to Configuration → Settings → Packages for courses delivered on a monthly, tuition and hourly fee basis. We will display a list of all packages created within the management system. Once you have identified the package you want to edit click on Manage . . . Continue reading...
Cloning Course Type In case you need to add a new course type/model, in addition to adding it from scratch, you will be able to clone an existing one and thereafter freely edit it. Navigate to Didactics → Group Courses or to Didactics → Individual Lessons. From the next screen, in case you . . . Continue reading...