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All posts in Web Interface Administration

Import of active invoices

It is possible to perform an import of invoices already generated in XML into the management system. Navigate to Tax Settings → Invoices/Credit Notes and select the three bullets at the top right and then Import XML Invoices: In the box that opens click on Choose File: From the file selection window . . . Continue reading...

Type of order

Orders in Financial Management → Order Management can be filtered by type. These filters serve to reduce the amount of information on the screen, showing only the type of order requested. Clicking on "each order type" will bring up a drop-down menu showing the various types available: . . . Continue reading...

Class confirmation function

Under Configuration → Settings, in the section dedicated to Courses, by entering the "Confirm Lessons" tab you can enable the function of confirming lessons. Once the check "Enable the ability to confirm lessons" is entered, it will also be possible to enable teachers. Once this function is enabled, on each course . . . Continue reading...

Payment schedule

To access the payment schedule navigate to the menu Tax Management → Payment Schedule. Warning. The payment schedule in Fiscal Management, will include incoming payments to be received and outgoing payments to be made, only if they arise from active and passive invoices. So if an entry order, for example, does not . . . Continue reading...