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All posts in Financial Management

Change the format of the numbering of Orders.

In ScuolaSemplice it is possible to change the numbering of the Orders whether it is linked to the Educational Year or the Solar Year. This changes the numbering which will be displayed as follows: Solar Year: 1/2023 Educational Year: 1/2023/2024 Please note, the numbering change is not retro-active and will result in the hiding of Orders generated with the previous numbering. . . . Continue reading...

Payments to Directors

ScuolaSemplice manages the payment of Administrative staff (master data can be found in Administration → Administrators). This payment is handled only manually without any calculation based on an hourly rate as is done for Teachers. Entering an Administrative Payment To enter a manual payment to an Administrator navigate to . . . Continue reading...

Using the Daily Closure

Daily Closing allows you to view receipts that occurred on the day (or in a range of dates) divided by payment methods. Note: Daily Closing includes movements related only to the financial part not the fiscal part. Therefore, all manual and fiscal movements handled in the fiscal part are excluded . . . Continue reading...

Accruing Payment to Teachers

It is possible to installment payments for Teachers so that the balance is recorded in installments. Navigate to Financial Management → Teacher Payment and click on the pencil icon next to the month of interest to enter Edit: From the Screen that appears click on the light blue Accrue Payment button: It will . . . Continue Reading...