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All posts tagged course

Individual course to teaching class

This guide on Individual Learning Class Courses will show how to set them up and how to proceed when enrolling a student. This type of course is primarily designed for multi-subject individual courses with more than one lesson per week such as remedial courses at the end of the year . . . Continue reading...

Change the venue and classroom for conducting a course or individual lecture

It is possible to change the venue of a course or individual lesson. Changing the venue and classroom of an individual lesson Navigate to the General Calendar and filter with the parameters to bring up the lesson we want to change. Once the desired lesson is found click with . . . Continue reading...

Disenrollment of a student from a course

Disenrollment from Transfers and Refunds To disenroll a student from a course, group or individual, navigate to Transfers and Refunds from the main menu: Enter the Name of the student and select the Course from which you intend to disenroll him/her: The student's financial status related to the selected course will then be shown, i.e. . . . Continue reading...