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All posts in Web Interface Administration

Issuing self-invoices

This guide will explain the process to be followed when issuing Self-Invoices. Autobills can be issued in two ways: By creating it manually By linking it to an expense in the Exit Master 1. Manually creating an Autobill To issue an Autobill manually you will need to access the section Tax Management→ Autobills: Once here you will need to . . . Continue reading...

Filing exams and accessing the archive

This guide will explain how to archive exams and how to then access the archive of them. First you will need to access the section Didactics→ Exams List: In this section you will be able to view the list of exams in the system: Taking the first one in the list as an example and entering edit . . . Continue reading...

Activating and using Rapid Transfer

This guide will explain how to enable and use the Quick Transfer option. To enable the ability to use Quick Transfer, you will need to go to Configuration→ Settings→ Course Related Settings→ General Settings: Then scrolling down you will need to place a check in the option "Enable manual enrollment within the course (and Quick Transfer)": . . . Continue reading...

Sharing a location between branches

This guide will explain how to Share a location between branches in a multi-branch system. For the complete configuration guide for different branches click here. WARNING DO NOT USE MORE NAVIGATION BOARDS FOR DIFFERENT BRANCHES In order to share a location with other branches in the system you will have to . . . Continue reading...